Серфинг-лагерь на Бали-Pro Adventure

Selfing Beach Tour Camp

bali_serfDuration: 14 days / 13 nights
Price: $640

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PROGRAMME ACTIVITY: $539 per participant
Payment shall be made at the rate of C.B. for payment + 2 per cent for converting.

How did you never try surfing? It's time! Every day of surfing! Your life will change the meeting with Mr. Maverick God forever. And in conclusion, we're going to have an exciting competition and a masquerade!

Be a real surfer.
Let's learn how to ride the sorphe, find out what surfingists live and learn their slang.

Day 1Come to Bali, host the Dinner.
Signing camp, program, and each other.
Day 2Serfing - Yoga - Plage. Meet the city. English. Camp opening party.
Day 3Serfing - Yoga - Plage. English. Timbilding
Day 4Serfing - Yoga - Plage. English. Sherlock Holmes.
Day 5Exit Nusa Dua beach and Magnificent Waterblowa tour of the Sloman Sea Point.
Communicability training. Creative evening.
Day 6Padang Padang Beach. MEG Quest Arts Manufacturing.
Day 7Serfing - Yoga - Plage. English. Sports games with obstacles.
Day 8Tour for the whole day to the cultural center of the island of Bali-Woud.
Visiting rice fields, ape forest, a bird park, a Goa Gaja temple (cave caves), a chocolate factory, an art fairet, shopping.
Dinner in one of the most beautiful restaurants of Wood.
Returning home.
Checking the English-language surf.
Day 9Serfing - Yoga - Plage. English. It's a big game.
Day 10Serfing - Yoga - Plage.
Surf Style Party.
Day 11Serfing - Yoga - Plage. Lesson of Indonesian. Temple of Pura Luruh (Uluwatu). Tour of the mouse. Kechak dance.
Day 12Photo class master.
Free day and photo session on the beach.
Shoping, city walk, visit. BBQ
Day 13Serphtrip to the most famous slots of Sbor Island, preparations for departure.
It's a big dinner, a stocktaking, a reward, prizes and gifts.
Day 14Leave.