Yuar Surfing
UNRAVEL SURF TRAVEL organizes PERF-JOGA tours for different regions of South Africa and Mozambique within small groups.
The focus of the Unravel Surf Travel tour is surfing, but we have a yoga program, active adventures and guided tours every day of the tour.
Our goal is to approach the earring individually and to create a climate of cultural and spiritual immersion.
Our team works directly with guests from the airport to the final sunset. That's the only way we guarantee your unforgettable, safe and unique journey.
We are looking for those who want to learn African surfing and improve their skills, want to meet the culture of South Africa, which is open to heart and mind to all the new and unusual - who is the real traveler.
Each journey is also linked to the Social Self Programme
'The Surfer Kids' for children of slum trees. The percentage of the cost of the tour is in support of the programme. All guests also work directly with children
We are not a travel company, but a company of surf travelers.
Jenya Zhivaleva
Unravel Surf Travel is located on the popular Sadov Marshrute, the East Coast of South Africa, the warm Indian Ocean. The variety of sand-mouth sweats, for newcomers and experienced surfers.