Что такое “САП” в серфинге? | Action Lab

Sulphine Species

Information in the modern world is an important resource and the Internet is its most valuable source. Through the global web, human communication has reached a new level, regardless of distance or social barriers. Web resources are basic knowledge, a comprehensive book repository, music, photos and videos. It was not long ago that web-based technology had been considered to be unlikely, but rather to be easily accessible. surf speed She left her wish for better. Today, thanks to smartphones, the Internet is available right out of its pocket. In this article, we'll tell you which smartphone for the Internet is best to choose, and we'll have the best 2017 models rating.


  • Smartphone features for Internet surf
  • Technical characteristics

♪ screen size and type of matrix

- Processor

- Memory

♪ Battery capacity

  • Web servers
  • Smartphone rally for the 2017 Internet
  • Boards and recommendations

Smartphone features for Internet surf

Web pages, social networking and online retrieval. The development of internet technology has increased the speed of the compound, and there are qualitative and resource-intensive sites that require a productive iron device to be properly displayed. The social media, the downloading of medicinals or the viewing of videos occurs in special applications, browsers. The main load is placed on the central processor. The reading of small prints, the proper detailing of the pictures and the clearness of the video will provide a quality screen with the right flower. Floating work will require sufficient memory. Let's talk about how to correctly select a smartphone for the Internet, taking into account the technical parameters of the gadget.

Technical characteristics

If the laptop or desktop computer is not easily managed with the usual web server, not even the most productive, the situation is more complicated with smartphones.