Отдых на море. Банан, Параплан, Виндсерфинг, Водные лыжи

Serfing With Parachute On Water Called

Translation from English kite means air snakes. Sporting kite is a towed air snake that is used to create tractions on water or on land, thanks to wind power. But it's a dry text from the vikipedia, but it's actually kiteserfing that's a very young and very fascinating sport that's already changed the lives of many people, putting them in seas, oceans and places of eternal summer and wind! The casting is devastated by its freedom and contaminates every thought of a new life.

Lightserfing is a fascinating type of sport based on kite management and water or snow movement following it: calm fryrad driving, high jumps, beautiful rotations and wave rolling. The people of this sport are cyteers, they use the sail in combination with the surf, the snoothboard, and even the mountain skis.

Lighting is a unique sport that will give you an unforgettable sense of freedom. By running the kite, you can control direction and speed, and speed will depend on the size of the wing, wind power and your skills. The maximum speed of the air snake is approximately 60 to 70 km per hour. You can easily learn how to jump on the bay, so the water forgives all the falls and progress very easily!

Special training and physical force are not required to teach kite management. Each candidate can try to do this interesting sport with an instructor. Kite's very light and weighs from one to a few kilos, he's free to fit into a small backpack and you can go looking for a better kitesruff. But if you'd like to learn kiteborg, you'd better go to the kite school, to the experienced kite instructor who owns the iko accreditation.

It's a great opportunity to experience a sense of flight and freedom when it comes to kitebard. Professionals in the kiteserfing can jump at a height of more than 20 metres, but newcomers can jump a few metres in two to three weeks without risking harming themselves, whipping modern equipment and water are the best security assistants.

This extreme sport can be carried out in winter and summer, because there are such types as kiteboarding, kiteserfing (cooking on water using kite), snoukating (snow-snow rolling), Lencaiting (ground rolling) and others.