Sapp Surfing New Russian
In the city of hero, there is growing popularity in non-traditional sports, and active-life amateurs compete on the mountain tracks of Ultramarafon, they take the springs and go on board to walk on water.
An interesting type of sport, with the springs, to dissect the waves, is called sap serfing.
Being on a special board with a spring in your hands, you can keep an eye on nature. You can feel like a real surfer, a blur against the current or a wave race.
Every man finds something special to himself in the sapp surfing. The SAP gives an amazing positive emotion, makes it possible to look at the most beautiful places and to enjoy a sense of harmony with nature.
The sapp surf board is perfectly secure and reliable, and it can be easily understood by anyone who wishes only 1-2 classes.
It is possible to learn how to repair the new Russian surges on the earl by entering one (or several) of the existing social networks. Surfpoint Abrau and Berry Spla are the most common.
In each of the groups, you can see the great pictures and video-tapes of training and simple walks.
The great weekends on the board will not only give you a photocard, but also, most importantly, health and energy charges for a week.
Are we done? Then come on May 1st to the Unknown Matros monument to test the surf boards. The event organizers promise each participant a surprise. More detailed information on the event of the Blockonut-Novorossia will be provided in the pre-registered attaché.