On this Sunday, 9 in Moscow were attended by ISA judges. We offered our old friend Alessandro Dini a course. He s not the first time in Russia, but for the first time in Moscow. He really likes us. Regrettably, in Italy, the Olympic Committee has failed and the Italian Federation of Serphine with 20 years of history is trying to close. Serfing is planning to…
Greetings, we ll fly on August 13 for two weeks on the bowl, and you d like to know if we d expect a normal wave of grinding? Hello, everyone! I m selling my short ART DISAIN s 6-foot board. The board s in great shape. It s very good taking not even big waves at the expense of its broad form. It s good for a man who s already acquainted with the surf but who…
A sailboard structure. Laundry boards with plastic sheet shells with inner filling of gas-filled plastics were the most widely distributed (Figure 15). This design is technological in large-scale production and is highly reliable. Glass plastics, polyethylene, ABS plastics and other plastics shall be used as a drying material. In the case of a probe, the hull…
I ve been surfing for over three years, and I m often asked a variety of questions about the surf in Bali. During this time, I have traveled a long way from a busy office worker who knows about this fascinating exercise only from the film On the Scream, to a surf instructor. I can immediately say that a lot of effort has to be made, both physical and moral. In…
Gran Canaria is a paradise for water sports fans. The islands are rightly called the capital of Windserfing, because all conditions have been created on the coast for full boarding both for starters and for professional surfers. Pozo Izquierdo, the beach of Windserfing, is considered to be the beach of Pozo Izquierdo, where international competitions on this…
Summer is a little history of surfing to the 70s right choice of board can help you progress in the surf faster and make it easier for the maneuvers on different waves. Walk on the footsteps of our elders, find out which boards they were riding. These are the boards that allowed us to enjoy surfing until the 70s when surfing became popular and accessible to…
If you re looking for exotic, you ll love Chile. The country extends vertically by thousands of kilometres, a kilometre of mountain ranges, nature, vegetation, animal peace and human culture. Andes are remembered by fascinating cooks, beautiful lakes and wild hot springs at the end of the day. Patagonia in the Pukon area, where the mining resort is located directly…
The competition took place in St. Petersburg, the competition took place in the corridors of Griboedov and Fontanki. Photo: from KP archives Modify the size of the text: In Petersburg, the first phase of the Russian Cup was on the SAP-Serfing, where athletes from Zelenogradska Artem Kodinsev conquered a silver medal. As Zelenogradska said, the competitions took…
The Maldives is an amazing place more sea than land. So there are endless water entertainments here. For the inhabitants of the Maldivian islands, water is the same natural habitat as land. They swim a lot for recreation, play water polos with their friends on vacation days, and they do a great deal of surfing. Visitors to the Maldives are also not the exception:…
Windserfing is a water sport that combines sailing and surfing. For the Windserfing, a small sailboard is used, which is propelled by the wind. The board can be compared to a small pit, but it is managed by inclination of the mast with sail or inclination from the board to the board itself. Depending on the temperament and nature of the athlete, Windserfing opens…
Vietnam from Irkutska is becoming the favorite place of syber recreation. The direct charter flights of Irkutsk-Nyachang (a/p Camran, 20 km from Nyachang) are carried out on a round-trip basis. Transfer a/p Camran - Fantiet about five hours. Transfer a/p Camran - Fanrang about 1 hour. Irkutsk-Viet Nam flight time - 6 p.m. 20 minutes (indicative). Exoticazia Thur…
World Day for the Protection of SadErmitage(M. Chekovskaya, Tverski) When, on 1 June, from 12:00 to 19:00, a team of childrens developing clubs will be happy to spend time. Children of different ages will show their abilities and skills on the summer stage, and audiences will be able to participate in various artists and competitions! Museon Park (M. Oktyabrsky…
Aquila Boards has spent a lot of effort and resources over the past few years in developing a surf reactive board that is planned to be produced under Onean s brand. The project was developed jointly with the Bizintek Engineering Company. As a result of fruitful cooperation, Aquila Boards is prepared to offer the consumer a whole line of different Onean reactivative…
Surfing is the art of wave rolling. в™Є Ah, the surf waves are emerging when a strong storm or hurricane occurs in the ocean, and the storm wind blows in the same direction for a few days in a row. The vast water masses come in motion and, like water circles, carry hurricane energy over vast distances. When the “rounds” reach the terrestrial, the coastal “spot”…
In the south-west, Thailand has been ranked as an amazing paradise for tourists. And if you re wondering what kind of sea on Phukette, you know, the coast of the resort is washing the Andaman sea into the Indian Ocean. His water remains a warm round year, and from March to May, it can warm up to 37 degrees. The sea strikes its purity and transparency, in some…
The islands advantage is that he has not yet become the Serfer Mecca, so there is no tiring line in the lane apache, and the sea can be free from the same wind traps in the crowd. A lot of locals don t even know what the real surfer looks like and where he can be found. In other words, Malta is the perfect place for those interested in water sports and who want…
If you ve been bored by ordinary water skis, sir, Windsserf or Vicbord, take a new level on submarine wings. The stacks of modern foilbards are often supplemented by the ball-strength and amortizer as a mountain bicycle. The way to the amortized seat becomes even more comfortable from the wing rigidity depends on how extreme tricks can withstand the name: George…
The Serphings on the Internet call a web page view. Reading news, articles, pages on social media, we re like a serfism (from the angl surfing to the racing) on the Internet. Naturally, we don t get any money for this, because we re looking at the pages we re interested in. In order to earn money on the web server, you have to give up your personal preferences…
To download a free Internet application to a newspaper with links to Internet-based earning sites, the Practical Paper The Master publishes in every number material on real self-employment on the Internet, smartphone, computer for all, regardless of age and profile of the paper The Master. The price of one number 25 Russian Webmoney roubles, Ukrainian grievine…
If you re not a big Ruin reader, we ll be honest, the stones won t talk to you for $30. In such a case, it is logical to celebrate the interesting and hack the recommended programme, choosing from ancient cities alone. For example, in Polonnaruve, you re going to have a huge fleet of ancients that can (and need) be scattered on a bicycle, and the training award…
We ll hear an answer to this question from Erina Boger, a experienced hoster. I ve taken about 100 rubbers in Moscow with the help of a rubserfing service. And I can tell you, It was worth it! Such a rich experience of the world when you re 60 and you can t travel much and the world comes to your doorstep, each of the travellers brings a piece of the land…
If you know the history of the skateboarding and know about the roots of his origin, you know what surfing is and what the Jaws is? The film describes the history of the well-known Russian surfer Seve Schulgin, who, at the age of 44, decides to translate the dream of each surfer and to test his forces on one of the largest and most dangerous waves on the planet…
I ve already written that, in the case of Bali, I certainly like his eastern part, with mysterious volcanoes, green hills in smoke, rice fields and almost lubricated beaches. Two years ago, of course, we went there on several occasions, even at some point, seriously searching the house next to the fabulous, and fully justifying the name of the Drimland Beach…
You re a busy businessman. Calles, meetings, letters, trips, meetings, people-- sometimes there s no time for even a glass of wine, let s not mention flying to the beach in the middle of the day and going to surf. But now you re definitely going to want to be. The Japanese Quiksilver Company and the TBWAHAKUHODO Agency have created a truly unique thing, a business…